lørdag den 18. oktober 2014

Happy Experiment: Day 2

Hey again!

So today I was at a cat shelter where I volunteer and got to help a few cats by cleaning their cages and talking to them. And I also got sushi again :D and it was SO YUMMY! Right now I'm watching Grease, one of my all time favourite movies! it's a classic and I love musicals :) I wish I could be in one, cause I also love to sing, which is why I also played a little SingStar on my old PS2 tonight and I really liked it :)

So that's my Saturday of happy things.

fredag den 17. oktober 2014

A Happy-Experiment

Hello out there!

I realized a few moments ago, that I haven't made a post on this blog for a year - and I wanna change that :)

So as of today, I'm going to try posting about what makes me happy about today, for a week. And if I succeed, I will try to continue my path and see if I could make it a daily thing. I'm a bit shy about this whole blogging thing, actually I have only told one in my friend-circle about it. Not even my family knows. So I'm probably not going to get too personal and maybe I'm not going to mention names.

Anyways, I wanna start NOW!

Day 1:

So today is Friday - or as I've read on Instagram, Friyay! :D

I had the day off from school and earned some easy money by helping a friend clean her house, and then I decided to spoil myself a little, so I went downtown and bought some sushi and a big load of candy :D and I am seriously happy I did that, it's my first time actually buying take-away sushi, and I really wanted more once I was done eating it, but I'm kinda broke right now, so I couldn't really afford to buy too much of it - but JESUS it tasted GOOOOD! and I still have leftover candy left, which is awesome, cause then I can look forward to eating that tomorrow :)

and here is a photo of my Friday night :D : 


onsdag den 9. oktober 2013

Christmas - I LOVE YOU!

I know that a lot of people think that it is way too early to be looking forward to Christmas in October - but I just do !

To me, Christmas is the greatest time of year and the music that is created for this particular holiday, makes me very jolly. Everything sort of seems cozier and all the Christmas lights that hangs around in town, makes it a bit magical. Also I become very very excited when the first snow has fallen, but after December I am also convinced that - it HAS TO STOP - a bad thing about winter is that somehow it goes on and on, here in Denmark, and I do not want to see snow on my birthday again, as I saw one year, and that was in April!!.

But back to Christmas! Another thing I love about Christmas is all the Christmas movies and here are some of my favorites:

 The Santa Clause - This one is one of the movies I watch EVERY SINGLE YEAR, once I watched it with my parents on the day before Christmas, which in Denmark is December 23rd. But nowadays, I just watch it whenever I feel like it.

The Home Alone Collection - Then there is of course these classical Christmas movies about a boy who is home alone,  which always puts a smile to my face, and really reminds me of my childhood! they're just some of the movies you cannot miss during Christmas-time.

Miracle on 34th Street - One of the Christmas movies that has also been one of my favorites through the years, is this wonderful story. I actually haven't watched it that many times, but it is one I will always remember and a really great Christmas movie.

So that what I am going to write for now :) I am looking very much forward to Christmas and now I am going to listen to some Christmas tunes !

//Peace Out//

onsdag den 6. marts 2013

Nailed it!

Yes, I know it's been a while since I made my last blog post, but I've been very busy with school and other stuff - but let's not waste time - today I want to show you my passion for painting my nails! :D

I looooove painting my nails and being very creative and I might even post a new post in here when ever I make a new nail art, if I get the time, right now I actually need to go to sleep but yeah, here's a few pictures of some of the nail art I have done :

and there's two more pictures to come of nails I have painted today :D

and my advice for you today is to: KEEP CALM AND PAINT YOUR NAILS! <3

onsdag den 19. december 2012


I apologize for the long pause, but I have not had the time to sit down and finish this post, but now I MADE time. and it is about quotes. Who doesn't love a good qoute? I live by many qoutes - ooor at least I try to. It can be a bit difficult because sometimes the heart wants what it wants and the mind can't do anything about it. but I have more than ten dozens of favourite qoutes, and all of them are wisdom to me, here are some of the most important I know:

My favourite quotes come from  Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn - boy, were they elegant ladies, I'd love to look like them one day :')

onsdag den 24. oktober 2012

Tv-shows - it's so addictive !

One thing that I most definitely love is tv shows :-D

Mostly tv-shows like these :

Hart of Dixie - just started watching the new season 2 - OMG Wilson Bethel is smokin' !

 90210 - So far I've only reached season 3, but it's sooo addictive! and it's the show that has kept me most - aaah what's the word - locked behind the computer, I could also say :P so far it has stolen a lot of my sleep!

Bones!!! OMG I love this show, seen it from day one - and still following the new episodes online! LOVING IT! sometimes I even rewatch some of the best episodes :D Just like the next show which you all know :D

FRIENDS - Of cooourse I love friends, all time favorite show, if I'm ever blue I just put on an episode of this (just as soon as I get the complete season box myself - so far I've only watched it on rerun on tv and on at my parents' house) BUT non the less - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show!

2 Broke Girls - A show I really love to watch and makes me laugh everytime because of Max's really qwerky quotes! I just love it!

So these shows, were my top 5 tv-shows, not at all in that order, I don't think I could put them in an order - or that's not completely true - FRIENDS is my favorite ! and it will be forever! but I watch a lot more series than these and a lot of the old classics like SATC, Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, Mcleod's Daugthers, Brothers and Sisters, Gossip Girl and a lot of other girly girly shows :D

Peace out :D

PS. I know I don't post that often, but I'm going to school most of the time and the homework kinda keeps me busy, but I'll try to post a bit more often when I've got a better rhytm in my everyday life ;-)

mandag den 22. oktober 2012

Just opened my own blog ! hope it goes well :D

Sooo .. Here I am :D

My name is Carina :D I've chosen to write my blog in English so that as many people as possible here on the world wide web can understand what I'm writing and also a bit to challenge myself, since my new university education is in English most of the time :D

In here I will be writing about what makes me happy - Pretty much everything that makes me happy. I don't know if my blog has a purpose, but maybe it could inspire other people to do the things I do, in order to have a happier everyday life :-)

Anyways I hope it goes well and hope you like what I write ;-)